Inspiring and empowering individuals to take control of their mental and physical health.

We offer 6-week, 3-month – 1+ year coaching programs depending on the client’s goals and needs. All programs are online and are custom One-on-One Coaching. Our approach to Health and Wellness Coaching is highly individualized and specific to each client’s unique circumstances. It’s also adaptable, allowing us to progress or regress depending on your ever-evolving life situations. We can help you carry out doctor-directed health changes such as lowering your A1C, improving your cholesterol, reducing your blood pressure as well as emotional eating habits, improving sleep quantity + quality, and finally finding an exercise regimen you can stick to.

6-Week Program

This is appropriate for someone who has 1-2 specific goals they would like to work on. At the end of 6 weeks, the client will be able to sustain the habits they have developed with consistency and self-efficacy. Some of the behaviors or habits we might work on together include:

  • Improving sleep quality and quantity
  • Exercise consistency
  • Stress management
  • A specific nutrition goal (like eating more protein or vegetables) for a specific reason (performance, health improvement, blood glucose management)

A 3-6-Month Program

This would be a good fit for someone who has 2-3 goals they would like to achieve, including but not limited to:

  • Doctor-directed health marker improvements (A1C, high cholesterol, blood pressure)
  • Learning and implementing a better diet to support health improvement
  • Improve emotional eating habits
  • Developing and maintaining exercise consistency

(Every 3 months we do a goal review together to determine if more coaching is needed).

12-Month Program

This is suitable for anyone who would like to improve multiple aspects of their deep health such as:

  • Reducing their risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes or obesity
  • Reducing (or eliminating) the need for some medications
  • Lowering their BMI or Waist-to-hip ratio
  • Begin and continue exercising for health
  • Losing up to 10% of their body weight
  • Doctor/Dietitian directed dietary changes for health improvement

And any of the behaviors and habits listed in the 6-week and 3-6-month program offerings.

Additional Services

6-Week Small Group Coaching (online) – Each 6-week course is specific to one aspect of health and wellness. In 6 weeks we meet weekly for an hour where we spend some of that time teaching about the topic we are focusing on and the rest of the time coaching you toward new and improved behaviors, habits, and mindsets. At the end of each online meeting, you will have specific actions to practice that will become your new habits.

In-Person Seminars – We are available to speak to your group or team about mindset, habit change, and nutrition. Please contact us for more information and availability.



“You have helped me so much, Coach Shawna! Thanks to you, I am aware of strategies that help my overall mental, physical, and emotional health. I have so many healthier habits now. And, I am killing my sleep game. THANK YOU!”

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